Github Emoji List

DAY 6 👾

I’m back 💙

Today I created Github Emoji Lists Website. I’ve created this app to find Emoji’s quickly that are supported on Github.

The live application can be found here.

It gives all the Emoji’s supported by Github. It uses Github API. It is my second experiment with functional CSS. Like I said in my previous post, I’ve used Tachyons for this project. I’ve made this web app without even touching the CSS file.

The App is very simple, screenshot provided below

Find Github Emoji Lists

(1) Emoji List

Github Emojis


To run this app, follow these steps -

(1) Clone this repo

$ git clone

(2) Go into the directory

$ cd github-emoji-lists

(3) Open index.html

$ google-chrome index.html

Final Application Here

Till the next time 👻